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In an interview with Zero Hora in 2015, Bolsonaro argued that men and women should not receive the same salaries, because women get pregnant, adding that he believes federal law mandating paid maternity leave harms work productivity.

Bolsonaro diz a banqueiros que nãeste vai assinar 'cartinha': 'Aponte uma palavra minha contra a democracia'

Even if Trump did not deploy Schedule F to this extent, the very fact that such power exists could create a significant chilling effect on government employees.

Tener la nacionalidad chilena, por nacimiento en el territorio de Chile o por ser hijo do padre o madre chilenos, nacido en territorio extranjero.

About this series: This reporting draws on extensive interviews over a period of more than three months. We spoke with more than two dozen people close to the former president, and others who have firsthand knowledge of the work underway to prepare for a potential second term. Most spoke on condition of anonymity to describe sensitive planning and avoid Trump’s ire.

Ex-ministra e candidata ao Senado publicou um vídeo dizendo que o ex-presidente Lula distribuiu uma cartilha de modo a ensinar jovens a usar crack Damares e Felipe Neto trocam ofensas no Twitter por "cartilha do drogas" Este youtuber criticou a ex-ministra por deter publicado 1 vídeo dizendo de que Lula distribuiu cartilhas ensinando a usar crack Últimas notícias

Sources close to the former president jair bolsonaro facebook said that he will — as a matter of top priority — go after the national security apparatus, “clean house” in the intelligence community and the State Department, target the “woke generals” at the Defense Department, and remove the top layers of the Justice Department and FBI.

Desde este primeiro dia qual a transparência jair bolsonaro filhos e este rigor do Polígrafo têm sido destacados em todos os quadrantes. Prova disso sãeste as onze distinções de que acumulou em apenas dois anos de actividade

Miller formed a close working partnership with Mizelle and spoke glowingly of him to colleagues. Together they helped execute the most hardline immigration and border security policies in recent history.

Vought kept a relatively low media profile through much of the Trump administration but by the end Trump trusted him as somebody who would rebuff career officials and find edge-of-the-envelope methods to achieve Trump’s ends.

Está compuesta por tres franjas con los colores por la bandera do Chile, es cosida a mano y mide, aproximadamente, 75 cm de largo y 13 cm do ancho.

At the time, Trump insisted the story was “fake” and “made up by a reporter in order to get publicity for a mostly fictitious book.

Former aides and administration officials said they have enjoyed friendly check-in phone calls and nostalgic encounters with Trump over the past 18 months. But they acknowledge their ability to influence the former president on any matter of bolsonaro jair astrotheme importance has expired.

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